Original Healthy Body Start Pak

Product Details
The Youngevity™ - 90 For Life -Original Healthy Body Start Pak consists of one canister of the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and one bottle each of the Beyond OsteoFx and the Ultimate EFA Plus. The liquid (Beyond OsteoFx) and powder (Beyond Tangy Tangerine) are both stirred into a tall glass of water to make a delicious drink. Drink with a meal swallowing three of the EFA gel caps.
Since the Beyond Tangy is light on the so called “bone minerals” (calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, etc.) it is important to always combine it, in a drink with the Beyond Osteo. In fact, the three products compliment each other beautifully supplying 87 of the 90 essential nutrients in the Beyond Tangy and Osteo as well as the remaining 3 (the omegas) in the EFA Plus. In addition to the 90 essential nutrients (90 For Life) the Original Healthy Body Start Pak includes 115 different fruits and vegetables boasting a complex array of whole food, phytonutrients many of which are known to confer a variety of health benefits.
It all adds up to convenience, good taste and full-spectrum supplementation: insurance against missing out on any essential nutrient.*
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